An English study on a drug extracted from a plant species proves its effectiveness against viruses

  Researchers from the English University of Nottingham have discovered a new antiviral property of a drug that could have major implications for how we manage future epidemics – including the Corona epidemic. The study, published in the journal “Viruses”, shows that a drug called thapsigargin, extracted from the plant Thapsia garganica, is a promising … Read more

Starting trials of the multiple sclerosis drug interferon beta to treat symptoms of corona by inhalation

  The British newspaper “Daily Mail” revealed that a group trial of the reused multiple sclerosis drug had begun, which reduces the number of Corona patients suffering from serious complications by 80% in hospital. Only 13% of patients who received SNG001 treatment developed severe complications that warranted the need for intensive care, compared to 22% … Read more

Experts: The low rate of corona infection requires vaccination of 60% of the Russian population

  Experts said that the rate of infection with the Coronavirus in Russia will change when 60% of Russians are vaccinated, as Russia launched the mass vaccination against Corona for all population groups on January 18, according to the Russian news agency TASS. Alexander Gurylov, deputy director of the Central Institute for Epidemiological Research of … Read more